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NativeScript Vue Pro
Welcome Notes
Welcome Message (3:08)
How to Join the Private FB Group
Course Overview (3:40)
Using the Exercise Files (1:03)
About Versions (1:21)
What We're Building (2:09)
Getting Your Tools Ready
Overview (0:55)
Two Ways to Scaffold New NativeScript Vue Projects (7:15)
Project Dependencies (10:29)
Keeping a Clean Workspace (4:13)
Useful Editor Extensions (6:52)
Debugging in VS Code (5:14)
Debugging in Chrome (5:34)
Vue Devtools (3:59)
Code Formatting (3:56)
TypeScript Strict Levels (6:03)
Native Platform Declarations (7:04)
Configuring Linting (9:23)
The Backend
Overview (1:29)
Setting Up the Server (10:51)
Consuming the API (10:39)
Running the Completed Backend (2:36)
NativeScript and Vue Fine Points
Overview (1:11)
Components Overview (4:39)
Registering Global Components (5:47)
Props and Gotchas (6:25)
Communicating from Child to Parent (2:38)
Gesture Events (7:16)
Refs and NativeView (4:30)
Lifecycle Gotchas (6:38)
Mixins (6:49)
v-if vs v-show (3:30)
Loops vs ListView (4:56)
Exercise 1: Animation Directive (14:21)
Exercise 2: Shadow Directive (10:05)
Typing Components and Mixins
Overview (0:33)
The Extend Function (4:24)
Component Members with Generics (5:29)
Extending a Mixin (2:40)
Component and Mixin Compatibility (3:47)
Platform Specificity
Overview (1:10)
Code Components (3:33)
Single File Components (2:19)
Styles (2:08)
Code Files (6:32)
Application Management
Overview (1:02)
Bootstrap Root (6:24)
Application Configuration (7:10)
Dynamic Configuration (5:42)
NativeScript Application Events (4:44)
iOS and Android Application Events (8:47)
Application Architecture
Overview (2:07)
MVVM Pattern Components (3:36)
Applying MVVM in NativeScript-Vue (10:55)
Login Page View and ViewModel (9:57)
Clean Architecture Intro (4:50)
Clean Core (10:58)
Clean Infrastructure (12:09)
Adding Storage Dependencies (13:51)
Adding Logging Dependencies (5:01)
State Management
Overview (2:02)
Methodology (2:31)
App State (6:15)
App State Service (4:46)
Backlog State (8:21)
Expanding the State (8:00)
Bonus Lesson: Adding a Reactive Property (6:29)
Bonus Lesson: Reactive App State from Scratch (14:06)
Bonus Lesson: Reactive App State with RxJS (11:40)
Overview (1:32)
Basic Navigation (7:17)
Navigation Options (6:16)
Routes (6:59)
Navigation Service (8:22)
Using the Navigation Service (2:51)
Logged-in State Gotcha (1:51)
Navigating to Logged-in Page (6:11)
Navigation Props (8:24)
Route Stack (3:30)
Navigating Back (4:03)
Navigation Frame (4:48)
Routing Using the Navigator - with Igor Randjelovic (26:55)
Drawer Navigation
Overview (1:26)
Installing the Side Drawer (2:31)
Implementation Plan and Drawer Anatomy (2:10)
Encapsulating the Drawer Parts (6:14)
Dynamic Slot Content (3:18)
Exposing the Drawer to Pages (6:07)
Drawer Content (4:11)
Sidedrawer Mixin (4:06)
Prevent Drawer Edge Swipe (2:55)
Building Custom UI
Overview (0:39)
Custom Floating Action Button (5:51)
Custom Tabbed Interface (13:52)
Lazy Custom Tab Content (8:49)
Using the Dataform
Overview (1:08)
Dataform Basics (6:15)
Managing Form State (5:46)
Commit Mode and Property Change Event (5:30)
Property Editor Attributes (5:20)
Editor Declaration (3:01)
Values Provider (4:33)
Editor Styling (2:31)
Property Validation (1:33)
Encapsulating the Data Form (3:04)
Native Modal Dialogs
Overview (1:08)
Native Modal Dialog Basics (5:28)
Returning Data from a Modal (5:48)
Modal Dialog Options (3:10)
Modal Navigation Hierarchy (4:08)
Add New Item Modal UI (9:16)
Saving Modal Data (4:41)
Open Generic List Modal From Modal (12:10)
Reusing Generic List Modal Component (1:40)
Overview (1:25)
Dashboard Updates (2:27)
Getting Started with Chart (4:54)
Chart Series (4:07)
Categorical Axis (5:57)
Vertical Axis (1:36)
Chart Styling (5:47)
Chart Interaction (5:51)
Overview (0:55)
Setting up i18n (7:54)
Translation Workflow (4:41)
Device Language (2:24)
Handling Locales (3:36)
Tracing and Error Reporting
Overview (1:22)
Trace Basics (4:20)
Trace Custom Categories (5:22)
Custom TraceWriter (4:18)
Trace Message Types (2:44)
Error Reporting Infrastructure (2:14)
Reporting Trace Errors (3:11)
Exception Handling and Crash Reporting
Overview (1:58)
Custom Error Handler (3:04)
Handling Exceptions in Production (3:41)
Lazy Service Locator Pattern for Error Services (3:11)
Handled and Unhandled Exceptions (6:29)
Disable Native Exception Propagation (3:15)
Third Party Crash Reporting and Analytics (5:57)
Overview (3:06)
Installing Testing Dependencies (3:22)
Writing Our First Test (7:03)
TypeScript Configuration (8:17)
Mocking NativeScript Modules (4:51)
Testing API Access Logic (6:05)
Intercepting and Mocking Fetch Calls (6:27)
Navigating to Logged-in Page
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