Welcome to Securing NativeScript applications. You're here because you understand about the dangers that apps can face.
In this course, you will build layers of security into a simple, completely unsecured NativeScript app. You'll start out with protecting resources with authentication and authorization. However, simple auth is not enough. You'll find out how to keep your passwords safe with hashing and salting, JSON web token, server-side auth middleware, and controlling the user login lifetime.
In Chapter 4 we’ll balance between the server and clients worlds and secure the protocols they use to communicate with a technique called SSL pinning.
You'll also offload identity management and use the common OAuth2 protocol with those identity providers, and you’ll use the latest serverless technologies to help keep important data off your device.
There are techniques for keeping your data and code safe on the client as well. In the data protection chapter we'll see the differences between device storage mechanisms and their security implications.
However, your assets aren’t only data. Your other exposed asset is your application code itself. While these days, NativeScript apps are bundled through Webpack, we will take code protection a step further.
This course is meant to show you some available options when it comes to securing your NativeScript apps, but it’s by far not an exhaustive set of guidelines.
Your Instructor
Alex Ziskind consistently strives to be on the cutting edge of technology, employs the latest web and mobile techniques and integrates them with the cloud. He's passionate about distributed systems and service oriented architecture. For the last 15 years, Alex has been developing software solutions for the enterprise as well as small startups trying to get off the ground. In the last 6 years, his Washington DC based company, Nuvious, has been involved in architecting and implementing cloud solutions on an international scale. Since 2015, Alex has been recognized as a Telerik Developer Expert due to his community involvement with NativeScript. You can connect with Alex on Twitter @digitalix.